Registration Form

Congratulations, Your location has been identified as a future build! Sign up to get priority notifications and build updates!

Our team is hard at work designing the network and permitting telephone poles in the area!

Our crews will be in your area hanging fiber!

Congratulations! Your location is now serviceable, sign up today for priority installation!

Your location has access to the fastest, most reliable fiber internet in New York State! Schedule your install today!

Pre-Orders are now accepted in your area!

It looks like we are close to completing our fiber build to your neighborhood! Continue to the next site to confirm your address & pre-order service.

Contact Information

Preferred Contact Method *
Were you referred by a current GoNetSpeed Customer?

Service Address

Do you rent or own the property? *

Billing Information

Bill Pay Options *
Is your billing address different than your service address? *

GoNetSpeed Fiber Services

Internet Packages *
Add GoNetSpeed Phone Service *

Additional Information

Would you like to add an additional authorized user to your account?
How are utilities supplied to this service address?
Do you have a preferred install time?